
That new button

It’s there, over on the right, humbly and hat in hand, because I’ve been doing this blog for a while now, and I very much want to keep doing it. But flights to places like Indianapolis and Seattle and New York aren’t free. Neither is gas in Gainesville or Jacksonville or Savannah on the way from St. Pete to Davidson and back. I’m thinking the amount of ink and air and bytes devoted to Davidson basketball this season won’t be what it’s been the last couple and I’d like to try to fill some of that void. I’m not looking to make money here. I’m not even looking to not lose money. I’m kind of just looking to lose less money. If what you find here and what you’ll continue to find here is worth a buck to you, that’s great; five bucks, great; 20 bucks, great. More? Also great. A little here, a little there, and pretty soon it’s not so little. The basketball program at Davidson was a big part of my life as a student and over the last couple of years in particular has been a big part of my life as an alum. It’s been a way I’ve been able to reconnect with the people who make up the place that I consider home. Thank you.

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