I live in Salisbury, which, like the country store in O Brother Where Art Thou?, is a geographical oddity in that it is two weeks from everywhere (in terms of mail). Because of that, the postcard I received in the mail today has probably already arrived hit most people’s mailboxes. You've probably already seen it.
It is from Steph Curry, bearing a postmark of Davidson, NC. It’s a form thing, certainly not unique to me, and I’m sure I got one for no reason other than the fact that I am an alumnus and/or season ticket holder.
It appears that Steph Curry has incurred some real expense to send a card to every alumnus, student and fan for whom he could obtain an address, and his message simply thanks the school and the card recipients for supporting him and making him who he is, and further asks them to continue to support him as he begins his NBA career.
I don’t think he needs to be concerned about whether the recipients will honor that request.
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